General Terms and Conditions

I. Activities performed by “Viola Mind” Ltd.

“Viola Mind” Ltd. carries out training activities (group and individual ones) in the field of business management, designed for entrepreneurs, managers and company teams. “Viola Mind” Ltd. is an official franchise partner of OSM International group, represented through its legal entity for Bulgaria – “OSM Europe” Ltd. and as such has the rights to provide OSM services on the Bulgarian market.

Part of the activity of “Viola Mind” Ltd. is also organizing and conducting events (live and online) with the aim of brand recognition and attracting and improving current and potential customers.

II. Subject of these General Terms and Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions regulate the relations between the users of the website and the team of “Viola Mind” Ltd.

III. Definitions used:

“Provider” is “Viola Mind” Ltd., Unique identity number: 205945545, owner of this website and provider of the services offered through it.

“Client” is any physical or legal person who uses the site for informational purposes or for the purpose of purchasing I-Profile analysis test, books, trainings and educational programs.

IV. Online communication at

Communication takes place digitally through any active actions on the part of the Client – pressing buttons, ticking boxes, opening links, filling in the fields in the contact sections and others.

The Client and the Provider agree that correspondence can be conducted between them through the communication channels available on the website.

V. Obligation of the General Terms and Conditions and their changes

These General Terms and Conditions are binding for all Clients of

The Provider reserves the right to change these General Terms and Conditions at any time, and the new text will be available on the site.

VI. Personal data

All personal data provided and collected by clients through this site are stored and processed by “Viola Mind” Ltd., Unique identity number: 205945545. The Provider takes care of the correct use and non-distribution of the personal data of its Clients, processed in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Policy adopted from the company.

VII. Intellectual Property

The Provider strives for the best possible customer experience and value for the Client delivered through this site. In this regard, the Provider will periodically update the content of the site by adding new categories, sections, blog articles, photos, videos, changing the layout if necessary.

Published photos, videos, blog articles, logos and other content are subject to intellectual property.  The use of these materials without the knowledge and consent of the Provider is a violation of current legislation and work ethics.

VIII. Newsletter subscription

This website offers the “Newsletter” feature in order to distribute useful business information to its subscribers. Invitations to events organized by “Viola Mind” Ltd. can also be sent to the email specified by the Client.

The Client’s reluctance to receive this newsletter can be expressed at any time through the unsubscribe button attached to the email newsletter and/or by informing the Provider at

IX. Miscellaneous

The provisions of the legislation in force in the Republic of Bulgaria apply to all matters not settled by these General Terms and Conditions.

For any questions or assistance, please use the following contact information:

“Viola Mind” Ltd., address for correspondence: city of Sofia, 59A “Kazbek” Str., email address for correspondence:, contact person: Anita Varbanova.

These General Terms and Conditions were adopted on: 08/05/2024.