I-Profile Analysis Test

Lack of staff, labour force turnover, vague commitment to company goals, low motivation, non-effective communication, overwhelming to-do lists, stress and anxiety situations, toxic people, low energy, fatigue and more …

We have a tool at hand that is able to dissipate the fog and unblock you. Its name is I-Profile analysis test.


A starting point for business owners, managers of teams and anyone who is a personal growth seeker.

I-Profile analysis test is a personal assessment test that evaluates one’s behaviour and habits, a so-to-speak X-Ray that captures our unused potential, our strengths and areas of improvement, and representing a road map for success.

It is a clear self-growth plan towards higher business results.

I-Profile analysis test is developed by Paolo Ruggeri and is a registered trade mark of OSM. The generational and behavioural dynamics are considered by our Research & Development team in Bologna, Italy, and the test algorithm gets adjusted accordingly.

The I-Profile analysis test has proven a validity ratio of .75 in a survey conducted in the USA in 2014. Validity coefficients by rule range between 0 and 1.00 and assessment tests with r=.40 are considered to be sufficiently reliable.

IMPORTANT: it is not a personality test. Its purpose is to help people improve their productivity, and hence the quality of their life in personal and business terms. The test development was inspired by a study, conducted by Thomas Stanley, which summarises the 10 key behaviour traits of millionaires that people should aspire to should they wish to become one. The I-Profile analysis test can help you navigate your journey and through trainings and consistency alter the final destination. It is one of the most powerful tools for achieving success.

In order to gain access to it, you need to be in a contact with an OSM consultant. It is an online test and the test result is delivered directly by the respective consultant. You will receive a graphic image visualising the 18 parameters and a detailed report with an individual explanation of each one of the parameters as well as their significance in combinations.

I-Profile before OSM trainings

I-Profile after
OSM trainings

What does the test measure?

  • Sense of organisation – the ability to plan, set priorities, minimise any chaos and burnout risks;
  • Self-motivation – one’s level of ambition, motivation and self-belief as well as the ability to ignite ourselves and others;
  • Stress or influence of specific people on our mood and energy reservoir;
  • Self-discipline – one’s reliability, persistence and level of responsibility;
  • Assertiveness – one’s confidence, conviction and persuasiveness, the ability to make direct requests and have an open communication;
  • Aptitude for Sales – the predisposition to influence others while presenting and selling products, services, ideas;
  • Human resources management – the ability to develop and grow people;
  • Proactivity – the extent of personal responsibility and impact on the environment, the tendency for a solution-oriented behaviour rather than reactivity and irritability;
  • Tolerance towards or understanding of people and their needs, the ability to build long-term quality relationships;
  • Expansiveness – the ability and readiness to approach strangers and make them feel at ease on the first encounter;
  • Resistance to change – the ability to change and adapt to new situations, the level of consistency, the visionary with multiple ideas vs the logical person;
  • Finance – the ability to generate and manage money; the test of the business owner also measures the overall company financial results;
  • Success – one’s professional success in the past, with a particular weight when the I-Profile test is used for recruitment purposes;
  • Principles – the taking-giving ratio, the attitude towards meritocracy and company rewards;
  • Index of natural leadership – focused on the intangible, one’s charisma and tendency to inspire others so they naturally follow them.

I-Profile analysis test can greatly optimise the selection process of new candidates and their onboarding in the company. It helps to forecast the amount of effort (related to time, finance and people) a company would need to invest in order to unfold the full potential of the newcomer.

There is also a predefined set of the same 18 parameters based on specific job roles, including recommended values and disqualifiers (i.e. outlining the reasons why a candidate may not be suitable), so we can facilitate the decision-making process even more, equipping you with more (cost-saving) information. At the end, it is the client that decides on whom to hire. Our support comes only in the process of talent evaluation and risk assessment before the appointment itself. We all know that hiring the wrong person often means a significant amount of money in loss.  

The OSM trainings are designed around these 18 parameters of the I-Profile and their improvement. The courses represent a complete business system offering a continuous upgrade.

For entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs, since the environment is a major factor for success and growth. A person is the average of the 5 people they most frequently spend time with.

Who is around you and what is their influence on you? How do you manage your life?

See yourself as if in a mirror using the I-Profile – to do so, contact us from the form below.

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