
The OSM trainings are designed around improving the parameters that the I-Profile analysis test measures. They represent a complete and holistic business system.

Our mission is to change the world through people; to give businesses the technology that will guide their people towards unleashing their full potential, working at a high vibration with the help of which, in combination with a huge range of business productivity techniques, to achieve their dreams – personal and business.

This leads to a whole new level of prosperity. By entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.

The world around us is like a mirror: it reflects back at us exactly what we think about ourselves. This means that we must develop a self-image with a higher value. This can happen in many ways – through self-observation, books, trainings, being in a new environment.

Every OSM training shares a piece of the ‘OSM language’. Knowing the system and utilising the tools will grant you everything you need to have an amazing life, recognise others who speak the same language and understand each other on another level, and ultimately create change together.

We use the methodology every day, it is literally a part of us. We use it with the clients, within the team, with family, with ourselves. It is applicable everywhere.

Take a look at the trainings we offer. If you want to be very successful in the management of human resources, you have to turn your company into a school. A school where the best talents in your sector are forged. It is the people on the inside who will help you expand your company.

Bases of Leadership – this course is all about increasing personal responsibility, recognising the importance of emotional sacrifices and how exactly they create value, gaining a greater understanding around what people want and how to identify and manage toxic individuals, mastering effective time management techniques, goal setting and dreams, team motivation and what really works. This is a highly interactive course including a variety of examples and practical exercises.

Advanced Leadership – this training is focused on internal company culture, values, organisational structure (organisational chart), setting the overall company objective, establishing the result for each department, working procedures and key performance measures (KPIs), learning how to distinguish between the three categories of collaborators – champions, those with an average performance, as well as those who go against the company. A training course on how to effectively inspire the team and delegate tasks, again, very interactive and filled with a variety of practical exercises.

Effective Manager – a training course that enables you to acquire the skills necessary to read the I-Profile analysis test, to gradually gain mastery over the little details and thus reduce your dependence on the OSM consultant (the I-Profile analysis test can be used invaluably in the recruitment process of new staff in your company, its application can provide you with clarity about a candidate and what to expect from them in the future, as well as an estimate of the resources you may need to invest in order to get this person’s started effectively (resources such as time, financial and emotional engagement). This training offers proper insights into the OSM practical know-how.

Sales Manager – this training is aimed at building a strong and result-orientated leader of sales teams, with a focus on soft skills and understanding people, organising their work, defining key performance indicators (statistics for each salesperson), maintaining motivation and control over the entire process. Here we are also talking about creating games and bonus schemes where the champions join enthusiastically, the average people are either stimulated or they drop out, and the non-employees, failing to meet the requirements, usually start criticising and at some point also give up and leave, thus, naturally, only the best remain in the company.

Public Speaking – an extremely exciting training, in which you will improve your technical skills on the one hand, and on the other hand you will learn to spark emotions in others. This course will not only help you overcome the stage fright, it will also give you the space to practise performing in front of an audience in such a way that they cannot remain indifferent. Often the public already knows what to do, our role as managers, entrepreneurs or just a person on the stage is not only to convey a certain message, but also to inspire action with great passion and eagerness.

Emotional Potential – have you ever communicated with someone, but it seemed like you were speaking in different languages? It is even more surprising when this happens with your colleagues…, with whom you are supposed to be on the same wavelength and have common goals? The key to learning why lies in the emotional energy of the given person and their level on the Emotion Scale (by ‘level’ we mean their predominant emotional state, the one in which they are most often in). This training explores deeply the different levels on the Emotion Scale, provides the steps to identify where you are and where the people you frequently interact with are, as well as how to most effectively manage your energy in order to conserve it and invest it in achieving your goals and dreams rather than losing it. This course could save your life…

Management of Stressful Situations – this is another training focused on preserving our energy, because as business owners and people managers, this is the most important factor when it comes to high productivity, stable teams, well-organised work activities, financial results and in general the vision of the future. An entrepreneur must always be in good condition, constantly dealing with all operational tasks and at the same time maintaining their focus on the big picture and the innovative trends. And all of this whilst trying to balance their time for self-care and quality moments with their family. Who would take care of you if not yourself?

Communication of a Leader – no matter how valuable technical skills you have, in the end it all comes down to how you communicate, and that is why the training is called Communication of a Leader – to take you to another level and improve your listening, hearing, understanding and being able to easily put yourself in other people’s shoes. With this course, you will also increase your decisiveness in communication, being direct and confident without taking things personally. The training consists of 90% practical exercises and 10% theory, it is practised in a 1:1 format with a personal trainer in a well-suited environment and under the supervision of a master supervisor.

Principles of Command – this is the second level of the Communication of a Leader course. Again, it consists of  90% practical exercises and 10% theory, in a 1:1 format with a personal trainer in a well-suited setting and under the supervision of a master supervisor. The purpose of this training is to train and develop control and intention, the power of the mind, the process of making a decision and carrying it out regardless of the efforts that will be required. Training this aspect will enhance the realisation of your goals and dreams.

Each of the training topics listed below are also delivered in a specific OSM style:

  • Bases of organisation
  • Sales
  • Management
  • Financial Management
  • Effective Delegation
  • Creating a company vision and 5-year strategy
  • How to recruit people / New staff selection process
  • Time Management
  • Open cycles /training for people with high workload/
  • Remedy when statistics are low
  • Remedy for low self-discipline
  • Remedy for inefficient and unethical actions

We cite a client who has developed a multimillion-dollar business with the help of OSM and also has an Internal Academy in his company, where OSM-trained employees teach their colleagues, since the latter already number more than 1500 people:

If you stand still, the others will overtake you. If you do not have big projects, the others will overtake you. You must have great projects in mind. People need a person who believes in a project.’

What will the future in your industry look like 10 years from now? The speed at which the world is evolving requires you to know the future of your industry for the next 5 years as well, so that you can calibrate the next…

Do you see it? Are you ready for it? Do you have a plan and the right people?

Plant trees under whose shade you will never sit, then you will become one of the richest people on Earth. ❤️

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    Results >
    Actions >

    If you are not satisfied with today’s results, you should certainly change your actions.

    The change in actions is only temporary, if it is not backed up by the change in thinking (ideas).

    Transforming the negative energy into positive

    By changing the environment, learning, education, self-improvement.

    With even bigger goals in place, better organisation, and balance in terms of business ownership and business/personal relations and actions.

    Leo Tolstoy

    ‘Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves.’